Live Tracking Mobile App's
The Live Tracking Manager App has been officially released with new and combined features of our original apps. The redesigned interface makes our apps more user friendly. The apps are available for both IOS and Android follow the links below to download.
The new Live Tracking app has combined the Viewer & GPS tracker app in to one, all the features of the new app can be accessed from the dashboard. Accessing your devices, history and events has never been easier with quick one click functions, we have added main menu buttons, and previous menu buttons to each sections to save time in generating new reports.

Live Map View:
From the Map icon see all your devices in near real time, zoom in and out to a specific device, view device information by clicking the icon. See message notifications from the top right of your screen.Asset List:
From the object list see near real time information of all the devices under your account, view an individual device on the map, follow device, view history and events, edit device name and icons all at the click of a button.

View device's history and events from a calendar range, see route information such as route length, duration, top & average speeds, see this information on the map by clicking the map icon.Change map layers, and see event information & stop times by clicking on "E" or "P".
Update your workforce with important information on the go by the messaging service.

Once your mobile device is registered on the Live Tracking platform you can enable tracking via your mobile device to turn it into a GPS tracker.Chat:
Once your mobile device is registered on the Live Tracking platform you can use your mobile device to send and receive messages and picture messages with the master account via the app. This is particularly handy for fleet managers to communicate directly with drivers for sending job updates and important messages.